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Language code

nl_NL, dut_DUT

Language [Eng]


Language [native]


Àà Áá Ââ Ää Èè Éé Êê Ëë Íí Ïï IJij Óó Ôô Öö Úú Ûû Üü


nl_NL, dut_DUT


nl_NL, dut_DUT (B), nld_NLD (T)
Regional versions

Belgium, France, Netherlands Antilles, Surinam, Indonesia, Afrikaans

Official language institution(s)
Spelling and grammer rules (books)

De Algemene Nederlandse Spraakkunst


Het Groene Boekje

Research platforms

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Typographic rules (books)

Grondslagen van de typografie, Robert Bringhurst

Typographic rules (online)
Academic institutions

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Relevant texts

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