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Language code

en_EN, eng_ENG

Language [Eng]


Language [native]


No special characters


en_EN, eng_ENG


en_EN, eng_ENG (B) (T)
Regional versions

U. S. A., Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India, South Africa etc.

Official language institution(s)
Spelling and grammer rules (books)

Complete English Spelling and Pronunciation Rules: Simple Ways to Spell and Speak Correctly, The Farlex Grammar Book

Research platforms

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Typographic rules (books)

About Face: Reviving The Rules Of Typography, David Jury

Type Rules: The Designer's Guide to Professional Typography, Ilene Strizver

Typography for Screen, Hoakibooks S.L.

Typography Essentials Revised and Updated, Ina Saltz

The Elements of Typographic Style, Robert Bringhurst

Typographic rules (online)
Academic institutions

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Relevant texts

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Interesting links

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