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Language code

it_IT, ita_ITA

Language [Eng]


Language [native]


Àà Èè Éé Ìì Íí Òò Óó Ùù Úú


it_IT, ita_ITA


it_IT, ita_ITA (B) (T)
Regional versions

San Marino, Vatican, USA, Rio Grande do Sul, Croatia, Slovenia, Libya, Somalia

Official language institution(s)
Spelling and grammer rules (books)

Serianni, Luca (2000). Italiano. Grammatica, sintassi, dubbi (in Italian). Milan: Garzanti

Berloco, Fabrizio (2018). The Big Book of Italian Verbs: 900 Fully Conjugated Verbs in All Tenses. With IPA Transcription, 2nd Edition. Lengu

Research platforms

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Typographic rules (books)

Norme tipografiche per l'italiano in LaTeX - GuIT (PDF)

NORME TIPOGRAFICHE per la composizione dei testi con il computer

“Il dettaglio in tipografia” di Jost Hochuli

La tipografia del ‘500 in Italia – Fernanda Ascarelli – Marco Menato

Typographic rules (online)
Academic institutions

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