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Language code

es_ES, spa_SPA

Language [Eng]


Language [native]


Áá Éé Íí Ññ Óó Úú Üü


es_ES, spa_SPA


es_ES, spa_SPA (B) (T)
Regional versions

Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Equatorial Guinea, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Spain, Puerto Rico, Western Sahara, Uruguay, Venezuela

Official language institution(s)
Spelling and grammer rules (books)
Research platforms

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Typographic rules (books)

Normas Tipograficas en Español

Tipografía española con TEX - Javier Bezos

Manual de tipografia española o sea el arte de la imprenta

Manual De La Tipografía Española...

Manual de tipografía digital

Typographic rules (online)
Academic institutions

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Relevant texts

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Interesting links

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